Happy Holidays folks! I hope this season of happiness and joy with friends and family or whomever you hold dear in your life (those fur babies) is treating you well. I know it can also be a hard season for many, you are in my thoughts and prayers, if you are depressed, feeling anxious, or just not feeling right please reach out and ask for help. It took a breakdown for me last Christmas to get some mental help I needed and it has given me more tools to work through the last year.
I wanted to post on some items I have really been enjoying over the past year, some you can gift to those in your life or maybe think about saving for in the coming year. Also some podcasts I am listening to right now, books I am reading, you know just items I am enjoying and thought you might too! Tis the season for sharing.❤
Here we go, in the things I love department, my yard cart, trust me this is a true lazy girl purchase. I traded in my two-wheeled wheelbarrow and got this yard cart pictured below (loaded down with my Christmas decorations). I just NEVER used my wheelbarrow the tires were always flat, it was cumbersome and even with two wheels, it was a pain. This yard cart is GREAT for hauling items from the shed to the house, from my car into the backyard, or even just loading it up with debris from around the yard during fall clean-up. It is really easy to maneuver and I couldn't be happier. It is linked below if anyone wants to check it out, but personally, I have used this already more than I used my wheelbarrow in 10 years. Don't worry though that wheelbarrow is living a great second life on a little goat and chicken farm outside of town.
The next item I am loving especially for the holidays, and because I love candles plus supporting small businesses, are my candles and home goods from HENRO. Kristin is a great follow on Instagram. She does a lot of DIY home improvement projects and I just love watching her home business grow. Their candles smell amazing and they have so many other products from other small businesses throughout the US, her goal is to support a small business in every state in her shop. If you order use code LGL10 for 10% off at checkout and you can access them via my affiliate link below. Thank you for the support folks, and yes I make a very small commission off any purchases, and appreciate you for supporting my blog and HENRO!

A few other random items I have really enjoyed this year, a plant I purchased from Proven Winners -
Pyromania™ 'Backdraft' - Red Hot Poker - Kniphofia hybrid. I have wanted a red hot poker plant for a while, ever since I saw them in the Garden Answer's YouTube video. Which if you don't follow
Garden Answer on YouTube just go give Laura a follow now, she is great and I have learned SO MUCH about gardening, flowers, drip irrigation, all the things. I received this plant in very late July (we are talking the 31st of July) and planted it right away, it wasn't even close to blooming, and this plant bloomed not once but twice before it froze. The first time it bloomed there were multiple bloom stems, and I was just so impressed with the colors every day I would look out my kitchen window. If you want a fun plant to add to your garden this coming year, I recommend Kniphofia.

My last item is the new addition to my little family, I adopted another dog in early October, Stryker has fast become part of our clan, and is keeping Bohicket "Bo" busy every day. They are roughly the same age and size and Stryker is just taking in all the love and cuddles he can get while learning how to be a puppy.

Stryker and Bohicket "Bo"
Now on to the books and podcasts that have kept me going while I drove for a little Thanksgiving vacation and took some time away from technology to just read and disconnect.
Two podcasts have really had my attention lately - The Sharon Says So Podcast which always makes me feel smarter after I listen to it and gives me those brain-tingle moments. I have followed Sharon online for a little while and am a proud governerd, she is great at raising money for a good cause and explaining everything about Government in a way I understand. Her podcast is a great listen for anyone wanting to learn about anything and everything. The Murdaugh Murders podcast is my second podcast lately that has me hooked, it is like a made for tv movie that takes some twists even a tv writer couldn't come up with, and it is real life. Mandy Matney does a great job investigating the Murdaugh family, I really just can't believe how corrupt and shocking this whole situation is and there is more to come. Every episode something else is revealed and more charges continue to get filed. Give it a listen you won't be disappointed. (Click on image below to subscribe)
Last but not least Sharon offers a book club online every 4 months (there is a new one starting in January sign up is the end of December, give her a follow on Instagram at @sharonsaysso) I signed up as I have been wanting to read more and one of the books selected was "The Woman They Could Not Silence" by Kate Moore. It was an eye-opening, inspiring, astounding book about Elizabeth Packard who changed how women with mental health issues or who are committed to asylums were dealt with in the late 1800s. We also got to meet the author of each book we read and listening to Kate speak about Elizabeth and the research she did for this book, well that is what someone who has mastered their craft looks and talks like, it was a gift to be able to listen to that zoom call. If you get a chance to read this book I highly recommend it, if for nothing else than to appreciate how one voice changed so much in a time when many thought a woman's voice wasn't meant to be heard.

I hope you all have a great holiday season and have enjoyed a few of the random items that I enjoyed throughout the year. Happy Holidays folks! 🎄
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